How to stop diabetic neuropathy in its tracks!

Without mind numbing drugs, without surgeries, without expensive supplements.

Even if you’ve already tried everything.

Dear reader,


If you’re becoming more unstable on your feet …

If you’ve  started having that “walking on bubble wrap” or “socks bunched up” feeling…

If you’re feeling shocks and shooting pains

If your balance isn’t what it used to be, and it's getting worse

If your feet and hands are keeping you awake at night

If your feet burn and drive you crazy…

If you avoid walking distances and doing things you used to love because of your feet…


Then make sure you read every word of this letter, because it could literally save your life (or at the very least your feet).


In this letter you’ll discover…

  • Why many diabetic neuropathy sufferers lose toes, and what to do if you want to keep yours.
  • Neurontin (Gabapentin) heals your neuropathy, right? WRONG! Why it’s a terrible long-term answer to neuropathy.
  • Why diabetic neuropathy is a warning about damage to your eyes and kidneys that you need to heed!
  • The one vitamin that every metformin user NEEDS to take daily. (If they don’t want ever worsening neuropathy)
  • The biggest benefits we found once our patients quit taking anti-convulsant drugs (Lyrica, Gabapentin)

​Let me tell you about Mary …


Mary worked as a nurse caring for patients and serving for over 30 years. As she began to approach retirement, she developed diabetic neuropathy. 


The burning, tingling, and pain made it difficult to do her everyday tasks, and she had tried everything. 


Just getting through the day became painful, never mind thinking about getting around airports, walking, or shopping. 


She was ready to give up on her dream of traveling and enjoying her retirement - her feet were NOT going to allow that.


When Mary first came to my clinic to see if I could help her, she was depressed and thought she had no chance of ever being healed. 


As a chiropractor, I help patients like her every day. Based on my experience helping people with diabetic neuropathy, I knew there was hope for her.


Seven weeks later, she told me that she couldn’t believe it worked. 


“I didn’t think it was really going to help me!” 


She’s now traveling and enjoying her retirement without the pain of neuropathy.


And here’s the thing, she’s off ALL the drugs.

Is your brain enslaved by your neuropathy drugs?


Let me tell you about Lucy…


Lucy started working with me after a decade of foot pain, drugs, and misery. 


After only two months,  her life had totally changed. She felt better than she had in years, but the biggest change was getting her mind back. 


The drugs she’d been taking to make the pain manageable had clouded her thinking. 


She made the wise decision to sell her house, and move into a condo. 


“I couldn’t have made that decision before I started care!” 


She was glad she hadn’t waited until…

It was too late.


Bill wasn’t so fortunate…


When I met Bill, he’d been suffering from diabetic nerve damage for 20 years. 


When he finally decided to do something, his big toe had already turned black. When he took off his shoe the smell was horrible.


Three days after I first talked with him, the doctors had no choice but to amputate it. 


They didn’t even have to use anesthetic - his neuropathy was so advanced he didn’t feel a thing. 


Are you making the same mistake Bill did?


Is your strategy for healing simply “hoping the pain will go away?” 


That’s the kind of backward thinking that cost Bill a toe.


What will it cost you?


Here’s the thing, people like Bill and so many others focus on the symptoms instead of the cause of the problem.

It’s not your fault


Mainstream neuropathy treatment is a travesty


The entire focus is on pain relief without addressing the cause of the problem in any meaningful way. 


Here’s the typical story of most diabetic neuropathy sufferers…


It starts with some strange sensations - socks bunched up - walking on bubble wrap - a little tingle here, and a small shock there. 


Your doctor tells you “you have diabetic neuropathy.” 


It’s part and parcel of being diabetic and you need to "adapt to your new normal", because there’s no cure.


The nerve damage from high and low blood sugars, cholesterol drugs, and blood pressure drugs continues - leading the pain to become more severe, waking you up at night.


B12 is an essential vitamin that your nerves require for healing and growth. Metformin can lead to a B12 deficiency, so your nerves continue to cry out for help.


At this point, the mainstream treatment is to prescribe Neurontin (Gabapentin) or perhaps Lyrica. These anti-convulsant drugs further mask the symptoms, but allow the damage to progress. 


As the small fibre nerves in the bottom of your feet starve and die, you begin to get less stable. The nerves that used to tell your brain how much weight was on each foot no longer send their signals.


You become more unsteady, and susceptible to suffering a fall (especially in the dark or if your eyes are closed). 


Even worse, the same damage that you can feel in your toes is happening in your eyes and kidneys as well. Neuropathy is a warning that your cells are taking damage from blood sugars and common drugs.


Your feet, hands, fingers, and toes are headed for certain disaster. It means you are on the path to pain and disability. You begin to need a cane, a walker, a wheelchair.


You realize that this isn’t working.


So what do you do? Where do you turn?


The internet is full of salesmen that offer their solutions in the form of expensive supplements and costly machines.


But what you need is a complete solution - one that covers all the bases and helps your body work to heal itself - naturally.


That's why I created...

Healing By Design


"Healing By Design" teaches you how to stop the damage and heal nerves once and for all, providing relief, restoring mobility, balance, and life.


Inside Healing By Design you’ll discover….

  • How to stop neuropathy in it’s tracks, and begin reversing the damage to your hands, feet, fingers and toes, using proven, researched methods.
  • Why it’s better to heal neuropathy at home - and where to get the right tools.
  • How to eliminate drugs that are making you slow of mind, are only masking the pain and allowing your neuropathy to get worse.
  • Why diabetic neuropathy is a warning about damage in your eyes and kidneys that you need to heed!
  • Why mainstream neuropathy treatment fails to stop the damage, and virtually guarantees the nerve damage will progress unchecked. (And what to do about it)
  • Why you can’t rely on hope, luck, or drugs to heal your neuropathy. The one thing you CAN rely on, and how to make it work for you.
  • Be able to sleep, work, and play again.
  • The reason diabetic neuropathy leads to gangrene and amputation, and how to keep your toes pink and happy.

Right now, registration for Healing By Design CORE Max is open. The core of this system is a comprehensive training covering...

Step one - Blood Flow - Open The FloodGates

  • Module 1 - Floodgates - Restore blood flow.
    • Lower blood pressure and improve health
    • Flood your nerves with oxygen and nutrients
    • The one “molecule of the year” that can instantly improve blood flow to your sick, dying nerves; and how to help your body make more of it.


Step Two - Stimulate nerve healing and growth.

  • Module 2  - Wake up sleepy nerves
    • The one secret to getting back to sleep after your feet wake you up.
    • Simple home methods of improving nerve health
    • One machine that’s in your local gym that boosts blood flow, improves balance, and increases nerve energy


Step Three - Use proven methods of powering up nerve growth

  • Module 3 - Power up nerve energy using light
    • The single most powerful nerve regrowth tool you can buy - and it costs way less than you think.
    • How to increase energy for healing your nerve cells
    • The surprising method for growing nerves that everyone overlooks.

Plus -ALL the bonus modules: 

  • Stabilize - Stabilize blood sugar using drug-free proven methods
    • Why diabetics should never eat a low fat diet, and how to eat instead. (Hint - it will make you feel more satisfied, full, and lower your A1c at the same time)
    • How healing your neuropathy starts with ignoring the diabetic diet guidelines.
    • You have to eat carbohydrates for your brain to work properly, right? WRONG. Why does your brain run better on fat than on sugar, and what does it mean to your neuropathy?


  • Clean - Detoxify and prevent nerve damage
    • The common drug that is making your neuropathy worse by the day, and why you don’t really need it.
    • Cleanse your body of toxins
    • One common blood pressure drug could make your neuropathy worse.

  • Prep - Prepare for healing with the right nutrition
    • Eat the delicious foods that heal nerves
    • Add healthy fats without guilt
    • Eat what you love


  • Build - replace missing nutrients
    • Why you should never buy the cheapest fish oil supplement. (And how to make sure you’re getting one that will give you the best results)
    • How to restore your body’s ability to absorb nutrients
    • The essential neuropathy healing mineral. (It’s not the one you’re thinking of).


  • Boost - nerve growth with healing compounds
      • Why Co-Enzyme q10 is vital for neuropathy sufferers, and the compound you should always take with it.
      • The vital supplement that helps your body’s cells use sugar, lowers blood sugar levels, and prevents cell damage.
      • Eliminate damage with nerve protecting compounds.


  • Focus - maintain your improvement.
    • Essentials of nerve healing
    • How to maximize your results
    • Never give up, never surrender!
  • Plus - I don’t want you to reinvent the wheel, so included with Healing by Design are checklists, guides, and tip sheets to help you through every step of stopping nerve damage and healing.

What's inside? Here's a quick overview video of what is covered in the CORE Max system.

As you can see, every base is covered. No stone is left unturned.


If you just stop getting worse, that will be a huge win! Almost everyone who uses this system will go even further, and restore feeling and function.


But suppose you don’t think it’s the right time - what is the cost of waiting?


What is the cost of just doing what you’ve always done?


Honestly, the cost of delaying is massive, because your neuropathy will continue to decline.


In addition to the drug costs of $300 - $500 per month, there are other costs to consider…


  • What is the cost of a cane, a walker, a wheelchair? As neuropathy worsens, these become a necessity. A good electric wheelchair is over $5000.00
  • What  is the cost of the misery and pain making you unable to work anymore? What is a year of work worth? 10 years? Hundreds of thousands of dollars.
  • What is the cost of NOT being able to play with your grandchildren? The cost of losing your ability to  golf, play, putter in the garden? 
  • Pain, suffering, sleepless nights.
  • Healing helps you prevent other expensive diabetic complications like vision loss, kidney disease, and even dialysis. 
  • Wounds that won’t heal, leading to loss of toes, fingers, feet due to gangrene
  • What is the cost of your life ending before your time?
  • Lifetime cost of unchecked diabetic neuropathy - that you could have stopped - is easily hundreds of thousands of dollars.


What is the investment?


Your investment for the complete Healing By Design CORE system, plus ALL the bonuses:

  • Stabilize - balance blood sugar, feel and look great, stop nerve damage.
  • Clean - eliminate toxic drugs, help nerves grow.
  • Prep - how to eat to prepare your nerves for healing
  • Build - replenish missing nutrients your body and nerves NEED.
  • Boost - speed healing with nerve-boosting compounds
  • Focus - maintain your progress over the long term. 


All this is just $497.00.


Is this right for you?


This system is designed to specifically help stop diabetic neuropathy damage, and begin healing their nerves. If you have diabetic neuropathy - this is the solution for you.


People with diabetes who apply the steps we teach stop declining, and start healing.


I guarantee if you choose to keep on doing what you've always done, you'll be getting what you always got  - more pain, decline, and disability.


If you're ready to turn it around, and start getting your life back - click below NOW.


Your life actually does depend on it.


Peace to your house,


Dr. Cam


Healing By Design

  • CORE Healing By Design Masterclass

  • Online - Get started today. Make 2020 the year of healing

  • All 6 Bonuses to MAXimize your healing

  • Checklists, cheat sheets, and guides 

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Frequently Asked Questions...


  • What do I do if I'm too busy - I don't have the time to do this.
    • Let's answer that question with a question - If you don’t take the time now, what will happen? Will you ever have the time?
  • Can’t I just figure it out on my own?
    • How’s that been working so far?
    • How much time do you have to figure this out? While you try to find the answer, your neuropathy is progressing.
  • What if this doesn't work?
    • ​Clinically the success rate is well over 97%. Patients stop further damage, and begin to heal.
    • It won't work however, if you don't follow the steps we cover to stop the damage and heal. I can't force you to apply what you learn - but if you do, you will succeed. 
    • I guarantee if you keep doing what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got. Progressive diabetic neuropathy.


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