What do doctors do when they develop diabetic neuropathy?

Revealed on this page:

  • The crucial diabetic neuropathy misconception

    Commonly prescribed neuropathy drugs don't treat diabetic neuropathy

  • "It doesn't matter what you do, neuropathy is progressive, right?" Wrong!

    Why this common misconception is destroying peoples lives.

  • Avoiding the "treatment" disaster

    Why mainstream neuropathy treatment does nothing to stop diabetic neuropathy.

  • Why products sold in those sly sales scams don't work very well

    What to do instead.

  • Keep your money!

    Compendium reveals the one thing you need to know before you spend a single dollar on "neuropathy supplements"

Dr. Cam

From the desk of Doctor Cam.

Alberta, Canada.

Dear friend,


Diabetic neuropathy is a struggle.


If the numbness, tingling and burning keeps you up at night, and away from doing the things you love with the people you love.  If you’ve tried painkillers, opiates, drugs like gabapentin or Lyrica, neuropathy supplements, insoles, electric socks, and had your neuropathy still progress and get worse, then you are about to read the letter you’ve been waiting a long time for…

Here's why,

I used to just help my patients cover the symptoms too.


It's the accepted approach today. "Symptomatic treatment." Simply put, it's an approach that only affects the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy, not it's cause. So it hides the pain, while allowing the problem to get worse. And worse.


And worse.


Clearly, while this answer is good for the pharmaceutical companies bottom line, it's not a great answer for millions of diabetics.


The internet sales people know this. That's why there are a million "one weird tricks" and "neuropathy supplements" and "breakthrough devices" out there. Some are even based in science, but all of them have a problem. They are incomplete.

Don't fix just part of the problem

If you were in a boat that had 15 holes in the bottom, how many of the holes should you patch? If you fill 3 of them, the boat  will be better off than it was before, but it’s still going to sink.


If part of the reason you have diabetic neuropathy is that you are vitamin D deficient, taking vitamin D will help. But if there are 11 other things causing your diabetic neuropathy, you may not notice any difference.


Should we conclude that you don’t need vitamin D? NO. It’s just an incomplete solution.


The same is true for the myriad of offers out there in cyberspace. The “Neuropathy supplements” that give you one or two, (or even four) compounds that are “guaranteed” to heal your neuropathy.


What you need is the right information, without bias or junk to sell, that will give you the answers you need to stop the damage, and start healing. You need to know:

  • The one compound that is required to open arteries and restore blood flow (without this your nerves are virtually guaranteed to get worse)

    P. 17

  • Gabapentin heals your neuropathy, right? Wrong. Why it's a terrible long term answer to this problem. Pg. 2

  • How making one simple change in how you eat can drop your A1c like a rock. (& it's easier than you think) Pg. 8

  • The machine that is worth going to the gym for (and doesn't require any work if you use it daily, and can help heal nerves in your feet) Pg. 8

Avoid Scam City

I saw an ad the other day, for a breakthrough neuropathy supplement. It was "the most powerful compound that is guaranteed to heal your neuropathy in 30 days or less!" - Yeah. Right.


Then I read the small print. It wasn’t new, it was good old Benfotiamine - fat soluble vitamin B1. Helpful in diabetic neuropathy? Yes. Should you take it? Yes. Then I saw the price. It was a 1 month supply (actually, you need double the dosage of this product) for 10x what it would cost you on amazon.


They repackaged it, and marked it up 10x, and then sold people on how it’s exactly what they need.


Not everyone out there is trying to scam you. Some of these companies genuinely want to help. But the problem still exists, that none of them are complete.


Three things the online vitamin sellers don't want you to know:

  1. The main reason combination supplements fail to help -  and what to do about it.
  2. The single method you can use  to get better results for half the price (pg. 12)
  3. The five proven compounds that have been shown to help diabetic neuropathy sufferers. (Ch. 4)


Focus on the core of healing

Doctors with diabetic neuropathy tend to avoid the typical neuropathy relief drugs if possible. One close friend of mine had totally reversed his symptoms of neuropathy naturally, using some simple methods.


We built a clinical system based on these well proven methods of increasing blood flow, boosting energy production in nerve cells and speeding healing. Clinically this system helped diabetic neuropathy sufferers heal almost every time.


These methods form the core of Healing By Design. It’s basically some simple steps you take that massively increase healing of small fibre nerves. When combined, they are so powerful that even when diet isn’t perfect, and people forget to take their supplements, nerves still heal.


If you've ever suspected, like most smart patients I know, that there were better approaches than just taking drugs to cover the pain, you now have proof it's true!


Yes, you do need to buy some things to do this at home, but you can spend as little as a couple hundred dollars on amazon and get a minimal system that will do the job. Invest a thousand and you can have a similar system to the professional ones we use in clinic, where patients paid 4-8 thousand to receive treatment.


The basics of this core system are covered in this compendium, including steps you can take today to stimulate nerve growth and healing, including:

  • One thing you can do right now to boost blood flow and wake up your small fiber nerves. (pg. 31)

  • The machine that's already in your gym that boosts nerve energy, improves balance, and restores blood flow. (Pg. 26)

  • The simple nerve stimulation trick you can do at home in 5 minutes flat. (Pg. 34)

  • The single most powerful nerve re-growth tool you can use at home, daily, and it only costs a couple hundred bucks. (pg. 26)


7 Steps eCompendium

Updated version of the diabetic neuropathy healing compendium.

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P.S. The time is NOW to stop your diabetic neuropathy pain, and start healing. Your nerve damage will continue to progress until you take the steps to stop it. Learn the 7 simple steps you need to take today! Click continue above to buy your copy of "7 simple steps" and start healing today!

© Dr.Cam 2019. All Rights Reserved.