Stop diabetic neuropathy in its tracks.

(Without taking more drugs, having surgery, or giving up food you love.)

Learn the entire clinically proven system.

  • Build a foundation for healing - Make sure your nerves have a firm foundation on which to heal and build.

  • Boost nerve growth - Easily grow nerves by providing them with everything they need, and nothing they don't.

  • Power up nerve healing - Simple techniques and tools that have been proven to massively increase nerve healing.

For years I struggled to find a solution to help my suffering patients, then I found the simple answer.

You probably know the feeling. It starts as a bit of tingling in the toes. Then over time it progresses further back, into the ball of the foot. Numb, tingling, feeling like your socks are bunched up. Sometimes there are shocks, and burning sensations. It affects your balance, your sleep, your mood. It starts to damage your everyday activities.


You can't go for walks because your feet are driving you crazy. You gain weight because you can't be active anymore. Every step becomes harder and harder. All you want to do is be able to stand in the kitchen, have a round of golf, play with your grandkids.  Neuropathy is robbing you of your life.

You're not alone. I still remember how lost I felt trying to help my patients - and my own mother. Diabetes was stealing her feet from her, a little bit at a time. There was no real solution. Drugs helped cover the symptoms, for a little while, but it just got worse. Sure, there were some studies that showed promise. Vitamin D helped some people. Vitamin B 12 helped others. Maybe some electric socks. Orthotics. My patients had spent thousands of dollars on different products that promised some "hope". But their neuropathy still progressed. Then one afternoon, after spending hours poring over the research, I had an epiphany.

We're told that diabetic neuropathy is caused by high blood sugars - it's caused by diabetes. But stabilizing blood sugar rarely eliminates the numbness, tingling, and burning. Even with a great A1c the suffering still progresses.

What if it's caused by more than one thing? What if we were to deal with all the causes at once?

So we began working with patients to stabilize their blood sugar. But at the same time we dealt with the multiple vitamin and mineral deficiencies caused by diabetes - and the drugs used to treat it. It was amazing. We added the best researched methods and techniques to heal and grow small fiber nerves. The results were astounding. We couldn't believe the improvement in function measured by the Toronto Clinical Scoring Method for Neuropathy. And it happens consistently, time and time again, for over 97% of patients.

The Neuropathy Reversal Masterclass is:


Over 35 video trainings

 Showing you step by step - exactly what to to stop the numbness, tingling and burning - and start healing.


Comprehensive checklists

Easily stay on track each day, and do exactly what you need to do (and what not to do) to speed your nerves recovery.


Cut through the hype and scams

Learn the methods that have been proven in research to help heal, and avoid the snake oil salesmen.

What The Neuropathy Reversal System Does for You:

Build a strong foundation for

Rapid Healing

Job One. A building without a strong foundation will not stand the test of time. You can't build strong and resilient nerves without first providing the bedrock for them to grow upon.

Provide the right environment

for growth.

Just like a plant won't grow if it's missing sunlight, air, or water - nerves won't grow if they are missing essential elements. This phase of the system is about restoring blood flow, and providing all the right elements for nerves to grow.

Proven methods to Power Up nerve growth and healing.

Once you have a strong foundation, and all the elements needed for growth, you can speed healing dramatically using well researched methods. 

See what some of our customers have to say:

I am so impressed with this system, and I have so much to learn and apply.  I am so thankful for all your study, and prep for this material. Bless you.

Wendy E.

AB Canada

You have made the masterclass so easy to follow!! You have done all the necessary work and laid out for us the steps to follow!!

Barbara B.

I like the way you are sending out the modules. When you send out a new one, I devour it immediately!!

Barbara B.


What you will get?

Complete access to the entire Neuropathy Reversal System. Over 35 videos covering every aspect of stopping the damage, and starting healing. All the checklists, workbooks, and guides to take you from hurting to healing. Dr. Cam walks you through each step to get you back on the path to doing the things you love, without more drugs, surgery, or trial and error.

Start doing what has been clinically proven to work, and heal your numb, tingly, burning nerves.

Need help with your neuropathy? Learn the entire clinically proven system. Invest in the MasterClass Today!

The entire course is digital and online. Click below to get started now!

  • Instant Access - Fully online content

  • Full training in each step of the system - Foundation, Grow, and Power Up.

  • Over 35 training videos, personally prepared by Dr. Cam

  • Workbooks, checklists, and guides to simplify the entire process.

Save Thousands!

All this now for just:


Save thousands off the cost of treatment in clinic, by doing it at home! Learn exactly how to achieve the same amazing results.

30 Day "Honest Try" Money-Back Guarantee

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you implement the trainings we cover over the next 30 days and aren't happy,  just let us know and we'll send you a prompt refund.


Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

How do I access the training?

When will my course arrive?

How long will I have access to the MasterClass?

What do I do if I get stuck?

How long will it take to go through the masterclass?

Do I need to buy anything else?

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